Wednesday, April 30, 2008

#1 Skepticism

Why do people (in general) have a problem with believing in things?

The current generation is taught from a young age from movies like Horton Hears a Who that it’s the good-natured character who no one will take seriously that triumphs in the end.

And of course, no one watching the movie will ever side with the skeptics, the villains who don’t believe--because we KNOW that Horton is right. Everyone likes the good guy, right?

What if we, as viewers, never got let in on what Horton heard in Horton Hears a Who...or whether he even heard ANYTHING? What if we were on the outside? For the most part, in real life, we are all outsiders, and too often become the "skeptics".

To find something truly unbelievable, like a tiny world on a spec, you have to be open to it first. REALLY open.

People argue that because we can’t see, touch, or hear God, that He isn’t here. When I look up at my bedroom ceiling, instead of there being nothing in the space between, could there not be EVERYTHING instead?

Let me put it this way----Phone companies always advertise for "unlimited talk" and NEVER "unlimited listening", because that’s not what our generation is into. But in order to really talk, to speak the truth, we need to learn it first. We need to listen.

I am not the only one who has opened up my life and found something incredible, although it’s been right in front of me the whole time......I know that God is the only thing worth living for. But will you believe me?